Codes and conventions of a front cover;
1. The title is usually one word or one letter, it is positioned at the top left of the page and full page width, unique font, biggest text on the cover.
2. Barcode on the bottom of front cover.
3. One main image- a band or singer, usually it is a medium close up, conveys attitude, direct address.
4. Main cover line, anchors the meaning of the image and it is the largest on the page.
5. Cover line- main cover line-two lines. Otherwise two or three lines or as few words as possible. 6. Typography-consistent only a few fonts used. Two types of typography serif- hook eg times new roman or sans serif- without hook eg Arial. Connotation of font reflects target audience and subject, frame main image, and left side of the cover.
7. Positioning statement – by the title
8. Issue date
9. Price
10. Puff- giving the reader something extra eg free posters
11. Strip at the bottom of the cover-list of names bands and topics used to tease the audience to see what extra is in the magazine.
codes and conventions of content page;
1. Editorial- picture of editor sometimes
2. Person on the front cover isn’t a picture of them in a inside
3. The front cover is on the inside (small image)
4. Few images
5. First line is bold then subheading smaller but not bold
6. The date
7. Puff
8. Issue number
9. Page number
10. Heading to dived up contents
11. One main image
12. Smaller images
13. Colour scheme
14. Page number on pictures to anchor image to written content
15. columns ( 2 or 3)
16. white background
17. title repeated
18. the word “content”
19. arrangement page number then text the text is one or two words then subtexts
20. regular content – appears in every issue eg gig guide
21. features – appears as a one off in that issue
22. contact details
23. a website at the bottom of the page.
Things associated with school-
Time table
The building
My school magazine;
Title- my school
Slogan- your school, your education, your life
Mise en scene- young girl, blue uniform, smiley, grass background trees ect, mid long shot.
Cover line- record results, real story-i beat the bully, top tips for trips.
Main cover line- new beginnings- new pupils start school meet them inside
Regular content- real story, what`s happening, what’s on, ask the teacher, recipe of the week, book of the week, ask the teacher, horoscopes, just for fun, record of achievements and dates for your diary.
Features- record results, new beginnings- new pupil, interview with the head, your dinner ladies revealed, review of the year, top place for uniform.
front cover;
main image;
front cover;
content page;
I was asked to create a school magazine and a content page following the codes and conventions on the front cover and content page. i think that my front cover uses the codes and conventions of the front cover in many ways for example my title is positioned at the top left of the page and has a unique font, also it is the biggerst text on my front cover, also i have one main image and no other images, i also used a sans serif font, i have the issue number,date and a puff. i have developed my front cover by using green, blue, and white. These three colours are clash but on my front cover they contrast. i was challenged by taking the photograph for my front cover because my "model" was very hard to take photographs of as she is only young, furthermore i think i got a few good shots of her.
my content page also follows the codes and conventions of a content page, for example the person on the front cover is not on the inside, there is few images, there are three coloums, there is a white background, and contact details. i have developed my content page by using differnt software to the previous document i went from photoshop to quarkXPRESS this softwear was more differcult to use at first til i got the hang of it. this was also challenging.
i used new media technologies to constuct my media product, using quarkXPRESS and photoshop which i have previously used.
there was lots of strengths and weaknesses of both my product and the new technologies, for example my strength was using photoshop becuase i have used it before, also i weakness was taking the photograph because i have not done much photography before.
furthermore i think that my school magazine and front cover turned out well .